Daniel Lurie f​or Mayor

Money spent trying to

buy the election so far:


  • $5.5mil in the Independent Expenditure ​Committee
  • $3.48mil self-funded
  • $800k raised
Fundraising thermometer icon
Wavy Shape Vector Element

Get to know San ​Francisco’s favorite heir

Hi! I’m Daniel Lurie, and I’m running for Mayor of San Francisco.

I am from the great city of San ​Francisco, where I currently ​own two Pacific Heights ​homes worth over $15 million ​each.

However, I prefer to spend my ​time at the mansion I own in ​Malibu, also valued over ​$15mil.

I was lucky enough to inherit ​generational wealth after my ​mom married rich. Please buy ​Levi’s jeans!

I founded Tipping Point with the ​goal of ending homelessness. It got ​worse, but we threw a lot of great ​galas for other wealthy elites in the ​process!

I call myself an outsider, but I am a longtime ​insider - did you know money gives people ​power? And I have so much money.

Read about how rich ​I am in Vanity Fair ​magazine

Political history:

I have wanted to run for Mayor of ​San Francisco since 2017.

Vote Daniel Lurie for Mayor!

Policy Priorities:

Defund The Police

  • I have hired numerous staff including Han Zou and Max Szabo, who ​each come from political backgrounds rooted in defunding the police
  • Max has contributed to:
    • Chesa Boudin for District Attorney
    • No on H: Friends of Chesa Boudin Opposing the Recall
    • Re-Elect District Attorney George Gascon 2019
    • Aaron Peskin for Supervisor 2020
    • Hillary Ronen for Democratic County Central Committee 2020

As Mayor of San Francisco, you can rest assured I will staff my office similarly.

Listen to a podcast in which Max Szabo calls a ​Middle Eastern person a terrorist!

Yes, legal action was brought against him for defamation, libel, racial discrimination, ​retaliation, hostile work environment and intentional infliction of emotional distress

My Track Record:

Some say that I shouldn’t be Mayor of San Francisco because I have no track record, but I ​actually do! It’s just really bad.

I founded Tipping Point to end homelessness in San Francisco.

We funded organizations like HomeRise:

We supported the City’s biggest


Between 2019 and the present, Tipping ​Point has given at least $10,000 to the ​Coalition on Homelessness. One grant in ​2019 was for $10,000, and another in ​2022 was for an unknown sum.

We built projects too quickly and oversaw them improperly:

833 Bryant Project: Between December 2021 and the present there have been 13 DBI ​complaints: complaints of dog poop throughout the building, dangerous electrical ​problems, elevators not working, flooding from sprinklers

I’ve done more than just spending other peoples’ money on failing to end ​homelessness - I also cost taxpayers money for Super Bowl 50!

Tipping Point has Become Less and Less Efficient, Spending More in ​Overhead While Providing Less in Grants

(Note: We Have Excluded Donations to ​Stanford & Cal as We View This as ​Outside Core Mission)

It’s not that we don’t spend ​our donors’ money, it’s just ​that we would rather use it to ​renovate our offices than give ​out grants